Cornish Craft Barn Life Drawing Workshop

A Cornish Craft Barn 101 Series induction to an important area of art starts here.

This is a CCB art workshop series suitable for any level of art and drawing experience exploring the human form, faces and portraiture. Each session is complemented throughout the series with live models for each session. These are guided sessions with tips and advice provided each session to enable you to get the most out of the experience and make progress with your work.

We will ‘baseline’ your standard and confidence at the beginning of the course with early studies in your complimentary sketchbook to record our starting point. You are sure to enjoy a review of your progress at the end of the first six sessions! Areas of study covered will include:

  • Drawing skills and mediums
  • The figure and human form
  • Work with live models
  • Portraiture
  • Painting techniques

Identifying the key shapes from which the human form is composed we will develop our work and understanding of the body through our progressive sessions. We will ensure early poses from the models enhance these key basic shapes enabling capture and ease of visualising them. In this workshop series, we will identify a new area of focus each session and our models will be asked to pose in ways to sharpen our ability to see these shapes as our confidence in capturing the human form increases.

Key areas of focus

Tonal Values & Mediums

This section does not have any lessons.

Planning and preparing for a final piece

This section does not have any lessons.

Pulling it all together

This section does not have any lessons.
  • Structure & gesture
  • Breaking down the human body (Head, Torso, Arms/Hands, Legs/Feet)
  • Tone, light & shadows
  • Drawing skills

Course Information

Difficulty: Beginner

Course Instructor

Damian Damian Author